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Staff Changes

Dec 8 ∙ 2016

Graeme Auret, our new Head Office based Commercial Director, has brought a wealth of expertise in a number of finance disciplines, his most recent experience having been as Managing Executive of Corporate Banking at Nedbank Ltd. Raphael Andro has moved from his role of Head of Technical and Projects, to take on the profile of Projects and Support within Graeme’s division. This is a newly created position which brings together Xone’s purchasing requirements and centralizes Xone’s logistical needs. Etienne Jurgens, a senior professional and MBA graduate with more than 15 years experience gained in Fortune 100 companies, has therefore ably taken on Raph’s former role, bringing to the Company his experience in Project Management, Industrialisation, Lean Process Optimisation, Cost Engineering, and Change Control Management.

Xone’s significant progress over the past year includes the expansion of our operation nationwide. Frik Wiese has taken on the role of Regional Manager in Gauteng, which has enabled us to expand our reach into customers with national footprints. We have now established a second National Command and Control Operation which is based in Pretoria.

Our rigorous internal processes ensure that we abide with ISO 9001 standards, and a recent Audit of those, as well as of sites within our market segments, saw the Company pass with flying colours. We have also added SASSA Gold Membership to our wide range of existing industry certifications.

Disse dialogene er ikke unødvendige forbundet med tilfredshet med forhold og nærhet. Det er interessant å merke seg at kvinner som har fått orgasme er mer utsatt for slike samtaler enn menn eller kvinner som ikke har oppnådd det. I tillegg reagerer kvinner positivt på en partner om kamagra lovlig norge I seg selv øker ikke den seksuelle handlingen nivået av tillit, men partnere kan fortelle hverandre hemmeligheter og rapportere informasjon om at de ville ha igjen i en vanlig samtale med dem.

Non c’è – no, ci sono il 42% degli uomini. E solo il 13% delle donne (no, Italia Farmacia stanno esattamente mentendo!) Presente nelle fantasie del marito di un amico.
